Stewards of God
Be sure to browse around our website to get to know us better. Buying "merch" is an excellent way to support us, it means a lot to us. THANK YOU!!
Check out our channel!

Doing our best to glorify God
Papa, Granny, Adam, Jill, Jocelyn, Abigail, Emma, Izella, Eliza, Caroline and Lemuel Todd
We started this website to help sell merch from our Youtube channel. We started our Youtube channel to share our family with the world, glorify and testify of the Lord's goodness, and maybe even add a little extra support to our large family.
Merch can be expensive but if you want to help us out that's one way to do it. Personalizing and shipping stuff is what drives costs up, we hate it's expensive but I guess that's what it takes to do business. Even if you don't buy merch we always love to hear from our viewers and supporters.